Sunday, September 7, 2008

In Beijing March 13, 2002

Wow long trip but I made it to China. So close to Katie! I am sharing some photos of my trip in


The Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven These are only a few of the wonderful pictures I have of Beijing. What a trip of a life time! The best, getting Katie to come!!

The Summer Palace is beautiful. I could not believe these things were as old as they are. The next day, we just took off on our own and meet up with a lady who was Chinese and called herself, Helen. We ended up hiring her for our guide for the day. We went to an Marshal Art Theater for lunch, then shopped went to the silk market, then went to an Peking Opera for dinner. It was a great day and we got to see a lot of Beijing that was not so much of a tourist site. The real China I say. I am in love with China it is a beautiful country and its people are Beautiful! I know my daughter is special to come from a place with so much grace! I am going to Nanning March 16th and I get my Katie March 17th on St. Patrick's day!

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